"All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children"

Isaiah 54:13


Youth Program Information:



                     Camp: thank you for camp support – in June we had kids attend Leadership camp, Day Camp, and grandparents camp – we are excited to see camp ministry grow in our congregation and hope to build this even more next year.


mission trip 

                                           Mission Trip plans are being finalized and we are excited for a great trip!! This year we will be serving in Memphis and the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Thank you for your support of the youth as they have prepared for this trip with fundraisers, bible studies and local service projects. Youth will meet after Worship on July 10th for final meeting and planning. Thank you for keeping them in your prayers.


Duluth mission trip went great!!

We served with Loaves and fishes, Dorothy Day house Bike Cave, and CHUM in their transitional housing apartments (Nicole Smith led us this day and did a fabulous job teaching us about the work of CHUM - churches united in mission.)


carnival stand  


 *****Signup sheets are out for carnival stand (July 12th -13th):

please sign up if you can help. Carnival stand will be very simplified this year.


vbs youth everest vbs

                                           First Lutheran Vacation Bible School, 2024

                                                      Thank You to all the volunteers and for everyone who donated. We had a great turnout of kids and volunteers including all our wonderful teenage helpers. The week was full of fun songs, bible lessons, games, crafts, and great food. The decorations this year were amazing, thank you to the decorating crew for all your work.


 valleyfair feed my starving children

July 30th, leave church at 10 am and return at 10 pm – cost is $30– sign up on youth bulletin board.  


“Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young. Set an example for the believers in what you say, how you live, how you love and what you believe.”
Timothy 4: 12




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