301 Lawler Ave S (P.O. Box 459)

Hinckley, MN 55037


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Worship with Us!

Sun 9:30 AM, Wed 6:30 PM (during school year)

Welcome to First Lutheran Church

Welcome to the First Evangelical Lutheran Church website. We hope this site will help you learn more about us and our witness for Christ. We strive to recognize and nurture the Christ in ourselves and each person that we encounter along the way. Our church is a thriving community of believers, and lovers of the word of God. First Lutheran Church ELCA has a long tradition of outreach and service to its members and the community. We hope you will join us for service on Sunday’s and/or on Wednesday evenings (during the school year), to experience for yourself the fellowship of Christ.

Coffee Fellowship at 8:30 AM

Sunday Worship with Holy Communion

at 9:30 AM

Wednesday 7:00 PM (during school year)

Meet Us!

Meet the people of First Lutheran Church ELCA. We would love to meet you.


We welcome ALL visitors.

Youth Programs

We have Faith in Action, Vacation Bible School, Youth Group and so much more!

First Lutheran News

Our Facebook Feed

Pastor Eric's page for SEPTEMBER:

Train children in the right way, and when they old, they will not stray. Proverbs 22:6

It’s the most wonderful time of year for a great many parents who are eager to return their children to the regular routine of the school year. It is a joyous if stressful time for teachers and others as they prepare to receive students. I am excited for the fall of confirmation and Bible study. Humans by our nature are eager to learn and experience new things. The wise teacher of the book of Proverbs teaches that training a child in the right way keeps them on the right path throughout their lives. We as a community of faith are all responsible for practicing and teaching the newest members of our community what it means to live and act as Christians in this world. As I think back to my own experience in the church growing up, much of what I learned about living the Christian life came from the witness and practice of the church’s members. A considerable amount of learning outside Sunday School or confirmation class. As I recall my own education, I learned about the world through the eyes of church mission and adventure trips. I learned what Christian caring was through singing as a congregation in the nursing homes and bringing treats to those who were lonely in their homes. I learned about Christian compassion through serving meals to others. I learned about the Protestant work ethic by cleaning up after those meals. I learned and developed a passion for working with kids through helping and teaching other kids during Vacation Bible School and Sunday School. Now, I do have a lovely collection of books and recall many a classroom lectures from my days in seminary, and I had no shortage of good Sunday school teachers. Yet, I was largely taught about faithful living by my parents and through every member of the congregation I have been blessed to experience. As Christians centered in the love and teaching of Jesus Christ, we are as a community both student and teacher of faith through our expression of the faith. I pray that we all consider the great responsibility and opportunity that we have in this time as school begins. May the Lord Jesus Christ be with all students and teacher in this community. Pr. Erik

Give Today!

Our supporters give out of their desire to strengthen the Church, their wish to give something back to the community, and their commitment to ensuring that future congregation members and their children will benefit from the same opportunities past generations enjoyed.