Church Council & Board Information.....

church Council members

Church Council 2024

Chairman: Rick Dunkley

Vice Chair: Kevin Stephenson

Secretary: Robin Hendrix

Treasurer: Mary Mortenson

Financial Secretary: Kathy Thompson

Members: Rick Dunkley, Kevin Stephenson, Robin Hendrix, Nancy Stephenson, Carole Lahti, Kathryn Souer, Donna Wachsmuth, Tom Wachsmuth, Paul Shober.



church board members

2024 Board Members

YOUTH, FAMILY AND EDUCATION: Lisa Blowers, Amy Johnson, Kenna Johnson, Tim Johnson, Kirsten Barnick, Delayna Groen.

EVANGELISM/STEWARDSHIP: Donna Wachsmuth, Deb Volk, Mary Jabe, Carole Lathi, Lois Kunze Sue Skalicky, Dana Kerfield, Lynnea Mayer, Ashley Thompson, Kathryn Souer.

PROPERTY: Tom Wachsmuth, Paul Shober, Christopher Steinnke, Jamie Johnson, Owen Johnson (youth member), Scott Jensen, Dwaine Palmer.

WORSHIP AND MUSIC: Pat Anderson, Diane Ausmus, Joanne Richards, Deanna Gorsegner, Elaine Jensen.

AUDITING COMMITTEE: Dennis Volden, Deb Vork, Lois Kunze.

ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE: Dennis Volden, Kon Bergum, Gary Hoxmeier.

MEMEORIAL COMMITTEE: Sharol Huggett, Ellie Nelson, Colleen Volden.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Donna Martin, Carole Lahti, Deb Volk, Dwaine Palmer.


PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Rick Dunckley, Lisa Blowers, Paul Olson




 church council minutes

                             First Lutheran Church, Hinckley Council Meeting, May 19, 2024


Members Present: Kathryn Souer, Donna Wachsmuth, Carole Lahti, Robin Hendrix, Paul Shober, Rick Dunkley, Kevin Stephenson, and Nancy Stephenson.

Absent: Tom Wachsmuth.

Also present: Pastor Erik, Denny Volden, Gary Hoxmeier, Kon Bergum, and Treasurer Mary Mortensen.

Called meeting to order.

Opening devotions: Robin Hendrix                    June: Carole Lahti

Secretary reports: Motion by Kathryn Souer, second by Paul Shober- approved. Motion carried. Treasurer Report: Motion by Carole Lahti, second by Nancy Stephenson.

Board reports: Motion by Pastor Erik, second by Carole Lahti-approved reports.

Old Business: Audit decided that audit wasn’t needed at this time.

     Update of Treasurer –Motion/resolution made by Nancy Stephenson to formally authorize and document the change of Northview Bank signatories for First Lutheran Church to remove Rick Bicking as a signer as Treasurer and add Mary Mortenson as the Treasurer and add Erik Rundquist as a credit card/ATM user. All other signers are to remain unchanged. Mary Mortenson should be a signer for checks and have access to all accounts on-line under Federal ID 41-0901075-including all checking and savings accounts, CDS, and credit cards. Motion seconded by Donna Wachsmuth.               Webpage: discussion /no action.

     Laptop for Pastor Erik: money will be taken from interest-motion by Paul Shober seconded by Kevin Stephenson, passed.

New Business: Treasurer-see old business.

Parish Nurse – See Robin’s report.

Director of Youth, Family and Education – see Mindi’s reports.

Pastor Erik’s report

Adjournment and closing prayer.

Respectfully, Robin Hendrix





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