301 Lawler Ave S. (P.O. Box 459) • Hinckley, MN 55037

320-384-6393 Tues. - Thurs. 9-3 or leave message

Contact us

Reach Out

We’re here to answer any questions you might have, or provide more information about our services and community activities.  We appreciate your interest in First Lutheran Church ELCA. Come join us in worship and fellowship, and experience the love and joy of God’s presence in our midst.


Phone Number

320-384-6393 Please leave message and we will reach out to you, as soon as we can!

Contact Us

Pastor (Erik Rundquist) 714-625-5130  pastor@flchinckley.onmicrosoft.com

Youth Director (Mindy Johnson) 320-469-3774  youthdirector@flchinckley.onmicrosoft.com

Church Secretary (Donna Martin)  secretary@flchinckley.onmicrosoft.com

Treasurer (Mary Mortenson) treasurer@flchinckley.onmicrosoft.com

Financial Secretary (Kathy Thompson) financialsecretary@flchinckley.onmicrosoft.com