301 Lawler Ave S. (P.O. Box 459) • Hinckley, MN 55037

320-384-6393 Tues. - Thurs. 9-3 or leave message

Church Council Members

Church Council 2024

Chairman: Rick Dunkley

Vice Chair: Kevin Stephenson

Secretary: Nancy Stephenson

Treasurer: Rick Bicking

Financial Secretary: Kathy Thompson

Members: Rick Dunkley, Kevin Stephenson, Robin Hendrix, Nancy Stephenson, Carole Lahti, Kathryn Souer, Donna Wachsmuth, Tom Wachsmuth, Paul Shober.

2024 Board Members

YOUTH, FAMILY AND EDUCATION: Staci Klein, Amy Johnson, Kenna Johnson, Tim Johnson, Cori Olsen, Delayna Groen.

EVANGELISM/STEWARDSHIP: Donna Wachsmuth, Deb Volk, Mary Jabe, Carole Lathi, Lois Kunze Sue Skalicky, Dana Kerfield, Lynnea Mayer, Ashley Thompson, Kathryn Souer.

PROPERTY: Tom Wachsmuth, Paul Shober, Christopher Steinnke, Jamie Johnson, Owen Johnson (youth member), Scott Jensen, Dwaine Palmer.

WORSHIP AND MUSIC: Pat Anderson, Diane Ausmus, Joanne Richards, Deanna Gorsegner, Elaine Jensen.

AUDITING COMMITTEE: Dennis Volden, Deb Vork, Lois Kunze.

ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE: Dennis Volden, Kon Bergum, Gary Hoxmeier.

MEMEORIAL COMMITTEE: Sharol Huggett, Ellie Nelson, Colleen Volden.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Donna Martin, Carole Lahti, Deb Volk, Dwaine Palmer.


Council Minutes

First Evangelical Lutheran Church Minutes-July 21, 2024

I.  Meeting called to order.

Attendance: Robin Hendrix, Paul Shober, Nancy Stephenson, Kevin Stephenson, Donna Wachsmuth, Tom Wachsmuth, Kathryn Souer, Carole Lahti.

Also in attendance: Pastor Erik.

II. Opening devotions: July Tom Wachsmuth      August: Kevin Stephenson

III. Officer’s Reports

Secretary: Correction for June notes: motion was made by Tom seconded by Paul allowing the city to monitor neighborhood from the church parking lot-motion passed. This motion was at June council -add to June minutes- motion by Tom second by Carole. Passed.

Financial Secretary report- see notes Nancy/Donna passed

Treasurer Report-see notes- Nancy/Kathryn passed.

IV. Board Reports

Endowment                                see attached minutes 

Evangelism                                 see attached minutes 

Property                                      see attached minutes 

Worship and Music                     see attached minutes 

Youth, Family and Education     see attached minutes 

V. Old Business:  see attached minutes

A. Carpet: Discussion carpet for fellowship hall, tile for kitchen and bathrooms. Tom is authorized to get and act on bids from Ausmus for fellowship hall, kitchen and bathrooms. So over $12,400 will need another congregational meeting. Kevin/Paul passed.

B. Funeral policies: It was decided to replace the name from funeral committee to Event committee. Kathryn/Rick passed.

C. A new fridge: fridge has been installed and its chillin.

D. IT-Kevin gave update-need to find more people to assist with Sunday morning. It Pastor is working on a committee.

E. Church janitor: tabled VI.

VI. New Business:

A. A new member class- there will be a new member dinner.

B. PTO for employees. Will revisit when budget planning is happening.

C. There is interest in “Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane”. The Picture is over 100 years old and hangs in the fellowship hall. The estimate is around $6000.00 for the restoration. It would be taken to the Minneapolis Institute of Art to have the restoration done. Private donations and funds raises were discussed. Robin will talk to Lois Kunze. About being the contact person. Motion by Kevin/Nancy to ask for donation for restoration of painting passed.

D. Robin reported on a grant received from Global Health Ministries. The Kettle River Conference of WELCA will receive enough product to make 1000 newborn kits products will be given out to the churches in our conference to make newborn kits.

E. The Council members signed up to be greeters.

VII. Director of Youth, Family and Education Ministries Report

VIII. Pastors Report. Adjourn-closing prayer


Respectfully submitted,

Robin Hendrix.