301 Lawler Ave S. (P.O. Box 459) • Hinckley, MN 55037

320-384-6393 Tues. - Thurs. 9-3 or leave message

Monthly Happenings

Here are some of the things that we have going on this month.  Please join us when you can!

Noisy Offering

The Noisy Offering for October goes to the Blessing Box.


We express our Christian sympathy to the family of Diane
Mathias. May they know the consolation of your love;
through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and give them


Baptized at our font today, was Millie Jo Couch.
Her parents are Jake and Sarah Couch. Her sponsors are Erik
Prescott and Benjamin Couch.
We welcome Millie Jo Couch into the family of God at First

We welcomed the following new members to our family at First
Lutheran Church. We are glad you are here!
Stefan and Amy Babirad
Jacob and Sarah Couch and family Bob and Jo Ellen Prescott.

Women In Ministry

Women of the ELCA

Women’s ongoing mission projectWe ask members to join us and bring COMBS during the month of October for the homeless.
Please put them in the basket marked “Homeless Packets” in the cabinet in the Narthex.

October Garage Sale

October 18, Friday, 9am to 4pm

October 19, Saturday, 9am to 2pm

Items may be dropped off in the Fellowship Hall after noon on Sunday, October 13th.

NO electronics PLEASE!

Volunteers are needed to help set up, staff and clean up.  Please let Mary M., Robin H., or the office staff know if you are able to help.

Sales will be free will donation and will be used to help offset the deficit of our General Fund.


October 5th, 8:30 am at Zion Lutheran Church Cloverdale
Theme: “Abundance of Blessings”
“I can do all things through him.”
Philippians 4:13
Please join us for a day of fun, fellowship, lunch, singing, worship, and a bit of business!
Program by Lena Scullard, “Abundance of Blessings.”
Registration begins at 8:30 with a requested donation of $10 to cover lunch and
Conference expenses. Morning treats will be provided by Our Redeemer of Pine City
church women. Firs Lutheran of Hinckley women will be covering registration.
Our In-Kind project will be Newborn Kits for Global Health Ministries.
There will be a silent auction and buy-it-now tables. Following lunch by Zion Lutheran,
our day will close with a service of Holy Communion by SAM Wendy Reamer-Johnson.
Offerings: Our participants’ offering will go ½ to Family Pathways Food Shelf and ½ to
Churchwide. Penny Offering from local units continues until spring of 2025. It is
designated for the Family Pathway Food Shelf.

Please Join us for the Community Meal
5-6 pm on October 1st

Faith Communiity Nurse Robin

The Faith Community Nurse will be doing blood pressure checks for anyone who would like one,
Sunday, October 20th during Coffee Fellowship.

Deadline For Newletter Article

The November Newsletter Deadline, needs to be in by
9 am on Monday, October 21st!

Out 2 Lunch Bunch2

Out to Lunch Bunch-Thursday, October 17th location and time TBD. Watch the bulletin for information.

Schedule for October:


Sunday, October 6 – Diane Ausmus

Sunday, October 13 – Donna Wachsmuth

Sunday, October 20 – Carole Lahti

Sunday, October 27 – Paul Olsen

Kitchen Cleaning:

Donna Wachsmuth


Dennis Volden & Lynnea Mayer



Remember if you cannot serve, to please find your
own substitute. Thank You.
Wednesday, October 2-Brittyn Stiel
Sunday, October 6-Madison Colton
-Natalie Colton
Wednesday, October 9-Brittyn Stiel
Sunday, October 13-Connor Olander
– Sophia Warman
Wednesday, October 16-Sophia Warman
Sunday, October 20-

Wednesday, October 23-Harvey Ranger
Sunday, October 27-Bella Carlsen
-Sophai Warman
Wednesday, October 30-

Confirmation Parents
Wednesday, October 2-Steil
Wednesday, October 9-

Wednesday, October 16-NO CONFIRMATION
Wednesday, October 23- Ranger

Wednesday, October 30-

Reformation Sunday, October 27th. Wear red.

The Lamb
The lamb symbolizes God, the Son, Many gifts…….
The sacrificial lamb. The lamb is
Carrying the resurrection banner which
is attached to the staff. The white
Pennant represents the body of Christ,
The red cross is His sacrifice. The halo
identifies the lamb as Christ. The lamb,
the staff, and the banner symbolize the
triumph of the resurrection-the victory
of life over death.

In Memory of:
Mr. Charles Lundin
Mr. David Davidson
Mrs. David Davidson
Mr. Russel Swain
Mr. John Rabe
Mr. Peter Helland
…. our church windows….
…. their meanings… Many thanks…….
…. who they are in memory of…

Offering Envelopes

The Church Council has asked to have the monthly GENERAL total for the
month of August is $ 10,828.16. It is recommended that we need
$ 18,000.00 each month, to stay on top of things.
Thank you … Kathy Thompson, Financial Secretary

web flat colored icon.

Financial Report for August

Monthly Summary:
· General Fund income $11,828.16 vs 2023 $22,173.99
· General Fund expenses $17,801.43 vs 2023 $21,834.77
                                      Loss of $5,973.27
· General Fund balance is a negative   -$14,009.24