Chairman: Rick Dunkley
Vice Chair: Kevin Stephenson
Secretary: Robin Hendrix
Members: Rick Dunkley, Kevin Stephenson, Robin Hendrix, Nancy Stephenson, Carole Lahti, Kathryn Souer, Donna Wachsmuth, Tom Wachsmuth, Paul Shober, Pastor Erik.
YOUTH, FAMILY AND EDUCATION: Lisa Blowers, Amy Johnson, Kenna Johnson, Tim Johnson, Kirsten Barnick, Delayna Groen.
EVANGELISM/STEWARDSHIP: Donna Wachsmuth, Deb Volk, Mary Jabe, Carole Lathi, Lois Kunze Sue Skalicky, Dana Kerfield, Lynnea Mayer, Ashley Thompson, Kathryn Souer.
PROPERTY: Tom Wachsmuth, Paul Shober, Christopher Steinnke, Jamie Johnson, Owen Johnson (youth member), Scott Jensen, Dwaine Palmer.
WORSHIP AND MUSIC: Pat Anderson, Diane Ausmus, Joanne Richards, Deanna Gorsegner, Elaine Jensen.
AUDITING COMMITTEE: Dennis Volden, Deb Vork, Lois Kunze.
ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE: Dennis Volden, Kon Bergum, Gary Hoxmeier.
MEMORIAL COMMITTEE: Sharol Huggett, Ellie Nelson, Colleen Volden.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE (for Church Council): Dennis Volden, Colleen Volden, Scott Jensen.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Donna Martin, Carole Lahti, Deb Vork, Dwaine Palmer
First Evangelical Lutheran Church Mission Statement: We are called by God to grow in faith together sharing Christ love
with each other in our community.
1.December 15, 2024, 10:30 AM meeting called to order Attendance: Kathryn Souer, Tom Wachsmuth, Rick Dunkley,
Nancy Stephenson, Kevin Stephenson, Paul, Schober and Robin Hendrix. Absent: Donna Wachsmuth and Carol Lahti.
Other members present: Pastor Erik Rundquist.
2: Opening Devotion: January be will be Mindy.
3. Secretary: Add Catherine Sower name to the roll call for November. motion by Catherine second by Tom Motion
approved with corrections.
4. Treasure Report:
A:Rachel Rundquist will develop web page. motion by Tom second by Paul to pay $500 to Rachel to design a website.
The money will be taken from interest. motion past.
B: motion to give $1500 to missionaries $500 to Luther $50 to Kettle River Conference. motion made by Kevin second by
Pastor Erik passed.
C: Discussion about more visibility of missionaries by putting information in the newsletter and on Facebook motion by
Kevin and second by Pastor passed.
D: budget for 2025 increased of $7000. motion to accept budget as presented motion made by Pastor second by Robin
E: Discussion on internal audit, will do internal audit.
5: Old business:
A: Lock box for south door. Motion by Paul/ Nancy to put a lock box by the south door. Tom will take care of this
B: The lutefisk meatball dinner was very successful and well attended.
C: Charcuterie party was successful and well attended.
D. Fellowship Hall flooring will be installed January 19-24 Robin will pick up N-95 respirators for people working on the
floor. Tables and chairs will removed from the fellowship hall on Sunday January 18 after church.
6: New Business:
A: Meeting: January 26 after church.
B: No new updates
C: Budget Approval: Budget for 2025 increased $7000. Motion to accept budget as presented Pastor Eric/ Robin Passed
D: Parish Nurse: rides to church, quilting, Drs appointments.
E: Director of Youth, Family, Education. See report
F: Pastor Report: see report.
Closing Prayer
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Hendrix.