301 Lawler Ave S. (P.O. Box 459) • Hinckley, MN 55037

320-384-6393 Tues. - Thurs. 9-3 or leave message

PICTURES of 2024

Global Health Ministries for God’s Work Our Hands Sunday.  Over 150 kits were packed to go, with approximately 150 kits that were packed a few weeks ago.  That’s a total of over 300 kits for Global Health Ministries – September 29, 2024

The Northeastern Minnesota Synod LYO youth and adult leaders had a great planning retreat Sunday afternoon at First Lutheran Church in Aitkin. We did some teambuilding, check-in conversations, and planning for the 2024 All Youth Gathering at Cragun’s Resort Nov 22-23 and 23-24.  Thank you to Lainey and Owen for all of your work! – September 29, 2024

Please join us!

We are excited for Wednesday night programming to be starting up again!!!
Mark your calendars!!! Wednesday worship has stared again at 7:00. Confirmation classes start this Wednesday the 11th and FIA and youth group kick off on the 18th
Anyone interested in volunteering for FIA, there will be a volunteer meeting on Monday Sept 9th at 6:30.

This is what 1,000 baby care kits look like!  Thank you to everyone who helped with unpacking and repacking this Kettle River WELCA project.  Praise the Lord!  – August 26, 2024

First Lutheran Church, Hinckley and Faith Lutheran Church, Isle (Rev. Dr. Josh Blair’s church) met for “Worship on the water” – beautiful night, but was a little cool. McQuoiv’s, on Milax is where we launched from at 6:00 PM) – August 7, 2024

At the ELCA Youth Gathering, the youth and young adults of our church raised close to $100,000! They committed to being part of Generation Zero-Hunger, the generation to end hunger – will you join them? Gifts for Generation Zero-Hunger are still being matched, dollar for dollar!


Please check out all the thoughtful day posts from the kids. We always choose Matt for our whole trip summary at the end because he takes great thoughtful notes. We are thankful for his gift in sharing our stories ❤️
Another week has past, and another mission trip is sadly over with. It’s crazy how they keep going by faster and faster. For a few of us this was our first mission trip, and for many of us, including me, it was our last (for now). And for all of the trips I’ve been on, I’ve been able to take away something different. I’ve learned about the importance of service work, God’s Boundless love through missionary work, and the significance of making personal connections with whom you are grateful to serve. This mission trip was a very different experience. Throughout our time in Memphis and New Orleans, we were involved in a service learning camp as well as the National Youth Gathering. We left for Memphis on Saturday, July 13th. We left very early in the morning, and drove for 13 hours all the way to our hotel in Memphis. The next day we got up, (had amazing omelets at our embassy suite) and went to a peaceful church service with the pine city and superior groups (who went to the service learning camp along with us) at a cemetery. We sang songs, and started thinking about the theme for the week, which was Created To Be. After the service, we geared up to go to the city of Memphis for our learning day of the service learning camp. We went to the civil rights museum where we learned about Martin Luther King Jr. and other important civil rights activists that changed our history, and are still leaving a mark in the present and the future of this world. Then, we went further into the city, and had a two hour tour. We walked around the city learning about Beale Street, jazz music, Elvis, architecture, and other very interesting historical facts of the city. And even though it was very hot, we had a lot of fun, and our tour guide was very kind, and knew so much about the city! Then we went to the biggest bass pro shop in the world (which was in the shape of a pyramid), and to Sun Studio where singers like Elvis and Johnny Cash recorded. They were both really cool, and well air conditioned! Then we went to a local jazz concert in the city, and had some amazing food! We finished the night by doing devotions, playing games, and getting to know one another as we prepare for the week ahead. The next morning we got up, had more omelets, and were off to our service day of the service learning camp. First, we went to a homeless shelter, where we were tasked with making the children’s playground look more colorful and fun. Some people picked up garbage, weeded weeds, swept, and painted creative pictures on boards. I was a painter, but let me tell you it was not creative. (I still tried my best though!) After a few hours of that (and a quick stop at McDonald’s, of course) we went to a nonprofit organization in Memphis that brought insight on HIV and AIDS. We were tasked with picking up garbage and making safety/prevention bags. (I was tasked with holding the garbage bag, but I held it with my head held high!) After working at this service sight, we had a pizza and pool party, and had a relaxing night. We had more devotional time and packed up for the next day of travel. On Tuesday morning, we left pretty early and headed to New Orleans, for the national youth gathering! After some nap time, gator sights, and a Spanish class (which I unfortunately had to take this week), we landed in the great city of NOLA! First we went to the convention center, where we were able to check out the Lutheran shop they had as well as part of the interactive learning center. Then we went to the hotel. After dropping our bags off at the hotel, we immediately went to Cafe Beignet and ate Jumbalya, beignets of course, and drank chicory coffee. The food was delicious and the coffee fueled us for our first mass gathering! We walked to the Smoothie King Center after dinner, and took in the 16,000 people filling up the stadium. This night’s theme was Created to Be Brave. After great music, we learned about how we were created to show up with an open heart, willing to step outside of our comfort zone and be prepared for this week. Then we heard more music, and eventually found our way out of there without getting lost too bad in the midst of 16,000 people. We headed over to a hotel and had a dance night. We got really sweaty, worked off that caffeine, and headed back to our hotel where we had more devotions and family time. We went to bed (I did homework), and we got ready for the next day. The next morning we woke up, and set out for our synod day of the national youth gathering. We started by doing a scavenger hunt, taking pictures and getting to know each other more in many different places in the city. We walked around the city more, saw the river, had some more beignets and coffee of course, and boarded some local transportation to go and see the cemetery. The cemetery was so cool (well as cool as a cemetery can be) because the graves were in crypts above the ground. Then we saw the hurricane katrina memorial, where we honored the passing of this who were unidentified. After that, we went back to the convention center and had a Minnesota wide service, with members in our synod. We sang songs and were able to hear more about the themes for this week. Several of us were even able to help with communion, (I did not almost spill the wine…) and it was a great worship! Then we went to Mulate’s, a famous restaurant in NOLA, and hade some really good authentic food! After dinner, we went to another mass gathering to learn about the theme for the night, created to be authentic. This theme was meaningful to me, because I feel like I have always strived to be my authentic self. We had more great music, some amazing speakers, and were left feeling more authentic than when we walked in. We had another dance party, did more devotions, and I completed more homework, and we all went to bed. The next morning it was our interactive learning day. Some of us got coffee, and some of us just went straight to the convention center so I could sadly join my Spanish class. During my Spanish class, the group watched Agape perform some great music and participated in some of the overwhelming amount of interactive learning centers available. When I finished the class, I was able to jump into one of them about migration and how dangerous it is for immigrant families to travel to the United States for safety. Then we went to the WWII Museum, watched an insightful movie about it, and walked around the museum taking in the information. We even got to meet a very kind veteran of WWII, who just talked to us about our day. Then we had dinner, and walked to the smoothie king center for the theme of the night, created to be free. We learned about the freedom we can have if we truly live by who God designed us to be, and that certain wrongs of this world aren’t to be blamed by the people, but rather the system or even satan himself that caused it. We all need to live our own lives. After some songs and amazing speakers once again, we went back to the hotel and did devotions and had a conversation about our day. Corrina and I even went by the pool (which was on the roof) and had a relaxing time listening to the awesome jazz music on Bourbon street and talking about our experiences so far. She ensured me that even though my future is unknown and a little scary, that I will turn out okay, and that I don’t need to have it all figured out right now. That I am created to be the person that God is making me, and that he’ll guide me in the right direction. The next morning was our service day, and due to some rain we had to switch service sights from a city park to a boys and girls club. When we got there, there was an overwhelming amount of kids who were so happy to see us. Some people played basketball or 4 square with them, did arts and crafts, and others pushed them around on skooters. I was fortunate enough to play 4 square as well as participate in a water fight. I GOT DRENCHED, and I had to walk around in wet shoes and socks the rest of the day. I also was playing games with a few of the kids, and I was chasing one of them and they fell, and I felt horrible. But even though I felt like a failure, they were all still so happy to see us. After the boys and girls club, we went to Mardi Gras world and learned about all the floats and sculptures they use for parades. Then we went back to the convention center and participated in more interactive learning activities. My group walked around and found some really cool stickers! After that, we went to the French Market, where we did some shopping and ate dinner! I ate Gumbo, and it was magnificent! The French market was so cool, and it was another great time. Then we went to the smoothie king center, for another mass gathering. The theme of this night was Created to be Disruptive, which was super interesting! We learned about how the most disruptive thing that Jesus did was defy death, and that if there are unjust and unfair rules that it is okay to disrupt them. That it is so important to stand up for what you believe in! After more great music and awesome messages, (where one of the speakers was even deaf) we went back to the hotel for our final night in NOLA. We had some devotions, packed, and went to bed. We woke up, loaded the car, got some more beingets, and drove to our final mass gathering at smoothie king center. The theme on this morning was created to be disciples, and we learned that we need to take all that we have learned and be prepared to use it in our communities and lives back at home. Our group was lucky enough to sit in a suite for this gathering, and we took communion, sang more songs, and had a wonderful time. After the gathering, we got in the car, and drove many hours to a hotel in Missouri. We played some games, Owen swam 🙂, and we all gathered into one of our rooms to do a candle prayer. It was a very emotional 2 hour experience where we went around the room saying the things we appreciate about one another. There were many tears, and it was an unforgettable night! After our many memories and moments together, we had one final night of sleep and got up today and began the long trek home. As I mentioned earlier, this mission trip was different. Instead of countless hours of service and more service, this trip was a balanced mix of learning, serving, and connecting with our church family as well as 16,000 Lutherans across the world. Yet I still feel like God is trying to tell me something. There were times this week where it felt like I was barely even contributing. I can’t paint creatively, holding a garbage bag is useless, I almost spilled wine on everyone, I got drenched with water, and I made a kid cry (not purposefully, but still). I felt like a failure. But through these moments of doubts and frustration, the deeper message began to arise. God was showing me that our efforts, no matter how small or imperfect, matter. I learned that service is as much about the heart behind the action as the action itself. I learned that even though I am not the best painter or master of crafts, I can still make an impact by being present, showing kindness, and embracing the opportunities to serve in any capacity. I learned that God created me as well as all of us to be brave, authentic, free, disruptive, a disciple, and that he has big plans for our life. I have loved these trips. These trips have given me another family, best friends, and a deeply rooted faith. I think that everyone should get on a mission trip at least once in their lives, and have that chance to grow in their faith. Even though this is my last mission trip (for now) I know that the Lord will give me more opportunities to serve in the world and maybe even with this church too. Thank you to the congregation for all that you do for the youth, and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has for my future! Thanks! 🙂
⁃ Matt Masterson

On Friday our day started earlier than normal as we had a quick breakfast and hopped in the van to our service site. Everyone was wearing their orange shirts to show that it was our day to serve. Due to weather our site changed from working at a park to a boys and girls club. As soon as we stepped through the door the building was jumping with excitement from the children. Kids from all ages were playing in the gym on scooters and with basketballs. More service groups showed up so there was a large amount of kids and ELCA members all together. Some service members started playing basketball with kids while others pushed kids on scooters. The gym was filled with noise and chaos from kids laughing and exerting energy. One little girl asked to my makeup with a children’s pallet containing sparkles. I spent the rest of the time playing with bright pink cheeks and glittered eyelids like many other service members did. The kids were eventually split up, one group went outside to play with water toys while the other made art and crafts. It was exciting to see everyone playing and working together and I knew the kids loved the attention they got from the service members. Many kids made friends with the teenagers and it was difficult to leave after our time was up because of everyone’s connection and fun experiences. After leaving the boys and girls club we ate a quick lunch and headed to the Mardi Gras museum where we were taught how floats and sculptures were created for the parades as well as touring around the facility and seeing many different sculptures. For dinner we headed to the French Quarter and a group of us ate at a small family owned Italian place. The pasta was filling and gave us the needed energy for mass gathering where we listened to great speakers. The theme for the day was to be disruptive. By being disruptive the youth of the ELCA learned the meaning and impact we have. We have the responsibility to speak up against injustices that we know are not right. We must disrupt the systems that are unfair. There are just rules and unjust rules and by the power and love of Christ we are called to disrupt. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and any other forms of discrimination will not be tolerated because to be a Christian is to love your neighbor as yourself and this triumphs all other evils.  After the gathering we headed back to the hotel, calmed down and did our daily devotional and discussion for the day. The day was filled with excitement, laughter and the holy spirit. It was a great experience to work at the boys and girls club and learn more about New Orleans together.  Corrina

We had another amazing day in New Orleans. Our service site today was changed due to incoming storm. Our group was excited to be in a park painting and working hard outside and getting dirty but we had a great time with the switch to a local boys and girls club right over the Mississippi bridge. Sometimes relational work is more exhausting that yard work! Everyone jumped right in and made friends with all the kids excited for attention, and hugs. Service and being the handsand feet of Christ are seen in so many ways and today Christs love was shown in teenagers to kids they never met.
We toured Mardi Gras world and the French quarter area today and a lot of the group went back again for another meal of jambalaya and gumbo.
The music and the speakers at mass gathering tonight were AMAZING! The first woman Pastot in Palestine and a deaf Pastor that taught us about making the church a welcoming place for all!!
We ended again with the final 15 family time and prayers to end another great day.

Hey everyone, allyce here! Today is Day 5 of our trip, and Day 2 of the National Youth Gathering. Incase it wasn’t mentioned yet, there are over 16,000 of us here, and 2,600 of that number are Minnesotans!
Today is one of my favorite days because it was our synod day. This means we spent most of the day within our own church, synod, and state groups. We did a scavenger hunt all around New Orleans that took us to many places— one of those being the Katrina memorial for the unnamed victims of the hurricane. We each shared a prayer that they were able to find peace in the afterlife, and let it be known that they are remembered to us. Later on in the day there was a Worship held with all of the MN synods where we heard from all of the presiding bishops & shared communion. After that we ate dinner with a few churches from our synod and journeyed over to Mass Gathering, held at the smoothie king stadium with all 16,000+ participants where we heard many amazing speakers & musical artists. I’m so grateful that I am able to be here as an adult leader, and witness all of the growth in our youths faith. They are an exceptional bunch who have done, and will continue to do amazing things.

Hello – This is Lainey..
We started our day off with breakfast in our hotel and packing lunches and then we grabbed some coffee at a local coffee shop and started walking with friends down to the convention center.
Once we arrived at the conference center, we listen to some good music with Joe Davis and Agape along side the myle house band.
Then we headed over to the Interactive center where they had games, learning actives, speakers, and much more. This gave us an opportunity to spend time with other Synods, handed out stickers and pins, along with learning about all the things we could do to help in this world. We learned about how to help make our church more inclusive for those with disabilities and we spent a long time with Lutheran Disaster response and walked in the shoes of people who were having to flee unsafe places and how immigration works.
It was down pouring rain so we put on our little ponchos and headed to the WWIl National Museum in the rain.
At the WWII museum, we were able to watch a movie about WWII, walked around the museum that taught us about Allies we fought next to, sacrifices that men and women had to do during the war. We even were able to talk with someone that fought in WWII.
We headed back to the river walk where we ate dinner and talked with other youth.
By this time we needed to start heading down to the Smoothie King Center for Mass Gathering: Created to be Free was our theme tonight. There was music, dancers, speakers, and lots of energy. We had great speakers tonight tell their stories about what it means to be free
Once mass gathering was done, we headed back to our hotel for Family time for snacks where we recap the day, talk about our highs and lows, and God moments and our Bible lesson for the day. It was another amazing day and I’m thankful to be here.

Owen + Nolan
We started off our day with loading the van and traveling from Memphis Tennessee to New Orleans. We checked in at convention center and were able to try out the interaction center. We arrived at our hotel and got everything unpacked, then we went walked down bourbon street by our hotel fi eat and went to this cool cafe, Cafe beignet.  When we were at the café there was a Jazz band playing. I thought that was super cool.
After that we walked to the “Smoothie King Center” for the gathering where there were different speakers and 2 different bands that played for us including The Afters.  After the gathering we stopped for water because it’s so hot, then headed to another hotel for “night life” where we danced with the other groups of kids.
Nolan- After that we headed back to our hotel for group time to go over highs and lows and the verse and theme for the day and talked about where we saw God today and details for tomorrow’s plan. My (Owen) high of the day was definitely seeing how many young people there were that are ready to learn and follow Christ, and I didn’t have a low for today, it was a great day. My (Nolan) high was experiencing new things and seeing sights that are new.

Today we had two service projects planned, the first was Room In The Inn. While there Kieran, Tim, Nolan and Bryan (me) walked around the building and the outskirts of the property picking up trash and anything else we found. While Mindy, Lainey, Kenna, Matt, Corrina, Owen, Allyce and myself (Bella) painted different posters for the outside for the playground to become more colorful. Then we went and had the lunches we packed that morning. On to our next site, At the site, Friends For All, we went and learned about HIV and AIDS. Afterwards we then went onto the service portion and made saftey and prevention bags for the site. After the bags we got into groups of six to answer and ask questions with the workers there. We talked about things like why and what got them into working at Friends For All. We then headed to the hotel and relaxed. Then we walked over to the hotel where the Superior church was staying ate and swam with them. Later we headed over to do devotionals and reflection the great HOT and long day. If I (Bryan) had to choose a high I would say exploring the hotel with Nolan and a low would be how hot the car was after we got done at service project sites. My (Bella’s) high would be the time spent with the group painting at our first site, while the low would be how hot it is at the sites.

Hello everyone!!! My name is Kenna Johnson and I would love to give you a recap on our amazing day! After eating a big breakfast and packing our lunch we went off into the city of Memphis. Today was spent getting to know the people and the city of Memphis better before heading to our service sites tomorrow. Since it is Sunday we had a wonderful service at Crystal Cave Grotto with two other church groups from our area. During service we sang songs, did devotions, read a book, and had bagels for communion. Yes it was delicious as it was holy. Saying our goodbyes to the other groups we went off to the Civil Rights museum. Being in the museum was so eye opening of the struggles people of color went through and very educational about Martin Luther King Jr. It was beyond powerful and tears were definitely shed, just mine but never mind that. Leaving the museum we left for Beale street for our walking tour! Meeting up with our tour guide we walked around Memphis to explore the history including more about civil rights, previous trades, and beautiful buildings. After two hours of a great tour we went to the biggest bass pro shop in the world which had live aquatic animals, bowling, and some cool merchandise. Following that crazy experience we went to a local jazz concert and ate street food which was delicious. The music was great with lots of locals coming together with friends and family. Our night ended with us together with our devotions and playing games. I saw God today during our service because being surrounded with these amazing people in nature expressing our love for God. Thank you for reading!!!

Prayers for the Youth Mission Trip – First Lutheran Youth, are headed to Service Learning Camp in Memphis and to ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans for the SYNOD 2024 mission Trip! – July 13 – 21, 2024

Our youth met at Jay Cooke Park for Mission Trip prep and then on to RV park pool, for swimming, fellowship and campfire worship – June 19, 2024

Great week at Luther Point Bible Camp in Grantsburg. Thank you to Bob, Betsy and Layna for the extra help.  Week of June 20th.

Our own Nicole Smith, lead the way!

DULUTH Mission Trip 2024 – Our youth did a great job of learning, serving & growing in faith.   They worked with loaves and fishes,

at the Dorothy Day Bike Cave.  They worshipped at Grace in Hermantown; they treated us to

ice cream! – June 12-14, 2024

SYNOD Youth Leadership Camp at Camp Onomia (fellowship, learning, lessons, fun) – June 9-12, 2024

Great week of VBS.  Thanks to all the volunteers.  We learned we can conquer challenges

with God’s mighty power. – June 3-6, 2024

Having a GREAT week at Mt. Everest Vacation Bible School – June 3rd – 6th, 2024

Our VBS decorators, have been working hard to get th e church ready for “Everest” VBS!  Vacation Bible School, is June 3rd-6th, from 5:00 to 7:30 PM.  ALL youth K through 6th grade, are welcome!  Lessons, crafts and a meal.

Our 2024 Graduates
Alice Bailey Scholarship

Service Project (clean water kits)

Congrats to our 2024 Graduates!  Three students, received the Alice Bailey Scholarship.  BIG thank you to ALL of our quilters, for the beautiful quilts made and given to the graduates.  We had a great lunch after service, with the proceeds from the free will offering going to the school backpack program!  We made 30 clean water kits, for a wonderful service project. – May 19, 2024

We had a great time wrapping up Confirmation on Wednesday night, at the Sandstone Bowling Alley.  Thank you, for a wonderful year! – May 15, 2024

Closing program to end a great year of Faith in Action tonight.  Thank you to ALL the leaders, kids and families.  We are excited, for VBS and Camp this summer – May 8, 2024

Beautiful night at Faith in Action & Confirmation.  We celebrated Earth Day, by planting flowers and learning about how to take care of the earth God created.  The FiA kids, packed newborn kits for Global Health and the Confirmation class, made a meal for A Place For You.  After worship, we played GaGa ball and had a campfire and s’mores – April 24, 2024

Beautiful day for the group to watch the Twins, and pass out care bags great church outing – April 24, 2024

Spent a wonderful two days at Camp Onomia, Onamia MN. It was the Church Office Retreat – we had great fellowship, delicious food, wonderful staff and accommodations, excellent program, it is really great being able to share with others. Special thanks to Haylee for leading us, Rachel Kurtz for sharing her beautiful voice and her wonderful talent of listening and advising. Thank you, to First Lutheran for sending us. Donna and Kathy – April 8th & 9th, 2024

Confirmation Class started our one to one: Lenten, Faith, Mentoring tonight.  Thank you to ALL who volunteer, in so many ways here at FLC! – February 14, 2024

Ashes remind us of God’s condemnation of sin, as God said to Adam, “Dust you are and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19).
Ashes suggest cleansing and renewal. We receive ashes in the form of the cross, the same symbol placed on our bodies with water in our baptism.
Ashes remind us of the shortness of human life, for it is said as we are buried into the ground, “We commit this body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” (ELW, P. 284).
Ashes are a symbol of our need to repent, confess our sins, and return to God.

From the ELCA.    –      February 14, 2024

PLEASE join us at 6:30 PM for our Ash Wednesday Service – February 14, 2024

PLEASE join us!  Valentine Dinner (February 11th)

When the weather is 50 degrees in January — sledding and skating night turned into outdoor game night for Faith in Action youth – January 31, 2024

Mindy wet to Youth Ministry Extravaganza 2024, in New Orleans for a few days of learning, fellowship, touring, prayer and fun.  January 18-22, 2024.

Celebrating and honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., by doing service work.  Great day, at Feed My Starving Children and 

Skyzone – January 15, 2024