301 Lawler Ave S. (P.O. Box 459) • Hinckley, MN 55037

320-384-6393 Tues. - Thurs. 9-3 or leave message

Youth Info

Faith in Action: Reminder that Faith in Action will be every Wednesday night from 5:00 –
6:45 except October 16th due to MEA Break. YOUTH GROUP will be from 7:30 – 8:15 for
7th – 12th and will follow the same schedule as FiA.

Youth Leadership Team: Any youth 9th – 12th grade interested in being a student leader
please see me for application☺ We love our youth leaders and love to equip you to serve and
lead in our church. We need youth leaders to help with FiA, serve on boards and council,
worship assistants, lectors, and many other ways in church. Leaders will also be receiving peer
ministry training. Please see Mindy if you are interested.

Sunday school materials: Sunday lesson materials for kids will be available during
worship – we will have crafts and lesson sheets to go with the lectionary – please grab these as
you enter sanctuary, and children can work on these during worship.

NE MN Synod

All youth in grades 6-12 and their adult leaders are invited for a weekend retreat to grow in
faith, build relationships, laugh, and play, and worship with hundreds of youth from across the
synod! We plan to gather once again at Cragun’s Resort near Brainerd, Saturday night through
Sunday noon. The All-Youth Gathering will include large group sessions for the entire group,
learning opportunities by age group, hotel life, games, worship, and more!
This event is planned and led by the LYO Leadership Team.
Registration forms will be due OCTOBER 15TH, 2024

Trunk or Treat: Oct 30th

– join us for a great night of intergenerational fun☺ we will join
together for a fun fall feast from 5 – 5:45 then there will be games, craft making and trick or
treating for kids provided by adults (decorate your “trunk” in parking lot and kids will trick or
treat to you) This is our 8th year of this fun fellowship activity and we hope for a great turn
out!!! We will have a spot available to drop off the food shelf and blessing box donations –
This will be part of our regular FiA rotation, but EVERYONE is invited to join in on the