301 Lawler Ave S (P.O. Box 459)

Hinckley, MN 55037


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Worship with Us!

Sun 9:30 AM, Wed 7:00 PM (during school year)

Welcome to First Lutheran Church

Welcome to the First Evangelical Lutheran Church website. We hope this site will help you learn more about us and our witness for Christ. We strive to recognize and nurture the Christ in ourselves and each person that we encounter along the way. Our church is a thriving community of believers, and lovers of the word of God. First Lutheran Church ELCA has a long tradition of outreach and service to its members and the community. We hope you will join us for service on Sunday’s and/or on Wednesday evenings (during the school year), to experience for yourself the fellowship of Christ.

Coffee Fellowship at 8:30 AM

Sunday Worship with Holy Communion

at 9:30 AM

Wednesday 7:00 PM (during school year)

Meet Us!

Meet the people of First Lutheran Church ELCA. We would love to meet you.


We welcome ALL visitors.

Youth Programs

We have Faith in Action, Vacation Bible School, Youth Group and so much more!

First Lutheran News

Our Facebook Feed

Pastor Eric's page for JANUARY:

27so that they would search for God and perhaps grope for him and find him—though indeed he is not far from each one of us.  28For “I him we live and move and have our being”; as even some of your own poets have said, “For we too are his offspring.”
Acts 17:27-8

Have you ever written a love letter or passed a note in class? Having written a poem or two in hopes of impressing my future wife I can say it’s a process
and a risk.

The writer throws their soul to the addressee with no knowledge of how they will react to such overtures. The hope in this endeavor however is centered on both expressing feelings and expectation of a

The poetry and literature of the Holy scripture is in many ways a love letter from God to prophets and poets concerning the creator’s love for the world.
The poetry of the Bible expresses the fullness of human emotion and the fullness of God’s intent for a broken creation. Scripture for the faithful is a living conversation in much the same way as a love letter, or poetic gesture. I have known widows and widowers who have held on to scraps of paper, notes, and poems from
their spouse sent decades before as the written words
were as present for them now as when it was first inked.

We live in this conversation with the words of God’s scribes as a present conversation in our lives. The words and prayers of scripture are with us to reply to our maker in a faithful, active way. Some of these words
are confusing, some challenging, some helpful, some inspiring, but the wholeness of scripture in all its mystery and beauty speaks to us of God’s love for the world.

In a season where we write too few love letters and pen too few poems, perhaps we might remember the ultimate note has been passed in our direction and the author awaits our reply. How then do we answer? Maybe someone in our life needs to hear from us? Maybe we are moved to pen a poem in acclamation? Could we just scribble a bit in hopes of helping our community move along through turbulent times? Perhaps we are so harkened by these words we act to embrace a hurting creation through our actions toward the neighbor? As we wander around this world, we are being reminded often of God’s love for us in the words that have been sent. A
reply is anticipated, what will it be?

Blessings on crafting your response beloved ones

Pr. Erik

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Our supporters give out of their desire to strengthen the Church, their wish to give something back to the community, and their commitment to ensuring that future congregation members and their children will benefit from the same opportunities past generations enjoyed.